Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP has a significant body of evidence-based research.

PRP utilizes a high concentration of the patient’s platelets taken from their own blood to direct healing properties to an area of pain.

What is it?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a blood-based regenerative medicine therapy that utilizes a patient’s own cells (primarily a high concentration of the patient’s platelets taken from their own blood) to direct healing properties to an area of pain.

How does it work?

The procedure includes drawing a patient’s own blood. A centrifuge is used to separate out the blood products and creates a high concentration of platelets that contain proteins (growth factors). The high concentration of platelets is then injected under ultrasound guidance for accuracy into the area pathology.

What does it treat?

PRP is one of the most studied regenerative medicine therapies and has a significant body of evidence-based research. PRP is typically used to treat arthritis, muscle injuries or chronic tendon injuries. Some of the largest and most compelling studies involve PRP use in the treatment of tennis elbow and knee pain from arthritis, as well as tendinosis in the hamstring and patellar tendons.